Therapeutic options here are based on EMA drug approvals with deviating approval details clearly marked. Drugs availability may vary in your country.

The Breast-Cancer-Portal is scientifically accompanied by

Prof. Dr. Annette Lebeau - Pathologist, Senior Physician at the Institute of Pathology, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Partner in the joint pathology practice, Lübeck

Prof. Dr. Annette Lebeau

Pathologist, Senior Physician at the Institute of Pathology,
University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf,
Partner in the joint pathology practice, Lübeck

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marcus Schmidt - Gynecologist, Head of the Department of Molecular Oncology and Conservative Gynecological Oncology, Clinic and Polyclinic for Obstetrics and Women's Health, University Center for Tumor Diseases, Mainz University Medical Center

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marcus Schmidt

Gynecologist, Head of the Department of Molecular Oncology and Conservative Gynecological Oncology, Clinic and Polyclinic for Obstetrics and Women's Health, University Center for Tumor Diseases, Mainz University Medical Center